Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My 3 Favorite Dog Breeds

Coton de Tuléar

I simply love this breed because they are sooo cute! I love to hug them. They have a very soft hair, comparable to a cotton ball, a black nose, large expressive eyes (usually covered by bangs) and short puffy legs. Did I mention they don't shed? Like really? They're considered to be hypoallergenic with no particular doggie smell. Wow! That's a major plus. The Cotie as they are affectionately called is a playful and intelligent breed. They can have what they called separation anxiety because of their attachment to people. It is a very vocal breed, grunting and making noises when having fun. Some Cotons have a habit of jumping up and walking on their hind legs to please people. Some Cotons may exhibit shyness or cautiousness in new situations, especially around strangers, which can usually be overcome with training. Most Cotons love meeting new people and are very curious. The dogs are very trainable with praise, instead of punishment. Cotons are great with kids and love to play.

Famous owners: Catherine Zeta Jones, Barbra Streisand and Debra Messing


This is the very first dog breed that I like because of their bear-like appearance, neither did I know about their bear-like temperament too. The chow is loyal and affectionate to their owners only, so guests should beware. Their eyes should be deep set and almond in shape. Chows are distinguished by their famous blue-black/purple tongue, that extends to their lips. Did you know that according to a DNA analysis, they are the oldest breeds of dog? Cool.

Famous owners: Martha Steward, Janet Jackson and the late Elvis Presley

Golden Retriever
My most favorite breed of all is the famous, the homeboy - the Goldens. Golden Retriever have 3 types of appearance: British, American and Canadian. A Golden Retriever of British breeding can have a coat colour of any shade of gold or cream. The Americans has coat that is dense and water repellent, in various shades of lustrous gold, with moderate feathering. The Canadian Retrievers are similar to the American but darker in colour. Golden Retriever is a kindly, friendly and confident breed. They love both strangers and those familiar to them or their owners. The typical Golden Retriever is calm, naturally intelligent and biddable, with an exceptional eagerness to please. 

Famous owners: Tom Cruise, Jackie Chan, Pamela Anderson. ♥♥♥


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